A reserve study is a long-range capital budget planning tool that identifies qualifying capital assets of a property, along with their cost and life expectancy. This information is used, along with current financial data, to create a funding plan. This plan will show the adequacy of existing reserves, future capital expenditures, and the contribution levels necessary to cover these future expenses.
Every reserve study report prepared by Dreux Isaac & Associates includes a comprehensive and detailed component schedule based on local project costs and life expectancy data. Each report also contains two funding plans (straight line and pooled cash flow) with reliable funding recommendations that will comply with all statutory funding requirements.

Executive Summary | Report Specifications
Current component costs & quantity
Balance projections
Budget year projected expenditures
Straight-line funding plan recommendations
30-Year pooled cash flow funding plan recommendations
Summary of the report process
Identify any statutory funding requirements
Explanation of funding plans and report terminology
Property notes
Component cost allocation pie chart
Actual balance vs 100% funded balance comparison bar chart
Actual vs recommended funding comparison bar chart
30-Year pooled cash flow plan line chart
Component Schedule | Straight Line Plan
Reserve component table
Component description and location
Current costs
Useful life
Remaining life
Straight line funding plan
Pooled Cash Flow Plan
Plan summary showing annual cash flow
30-Year funding recommendations
Estimated interest earnings
Itemized projected expenditures by year
Photos of property components
Documentation of issues
Full Reserve Study (Level 1)
This is the most comprehensive reserve study service provided. All new clients begin with a full reserve study, which includes a complete site inspection. The tasks performed include:
Component Inventory (including quantification)
Condition assessment (based on on-site visual observations)
Life and valuation estimates
Fund status
Funding plan
Reserve Study Reinspection (Level 2)
This is also referred to as an "Update with Site Visit/Off-Site Review." At this level, a limited site inspection is conducted, and the following five tasks are performed:
Component inventory (verification only, not quantification)
Condition assessment (based on on-site visual observations)
Life and valuation estimates
Fund status
Funding plan
Reserve Study Update (Level 3)
This is also referred to as an "Update No Site Visit/Off-Site Review." All work is done remotely as there is no site inspection or site visit. The following tasks are performed:
Component inventory
Life and valuation estimates
Funding plan
There are three levels of reserve study services that we offer. Which level you qualify for depends on whether you are a new or existing client and when your property was last inspected.

We appreciate being able to work with you. Your company came up at a networking thing I attended today. I gave you glowing praise. Well deserved.
-Kathy Grandt, Community Association Manager

A reserve study is a long-range capital budget planning tool that identifies qualifying capital assets of a property, along with their cost and life expectancy. This information is used, along with current financial data, to create a funding plan. This plan will show the adequacy of existing reserves, future capital expenditures, and the contribution levels necessary to cover these future expenses.
Every reserve study report prepared by Dreux Isaac & Associates includes a comprehensive and detailed component schedule based on local project costs and life expectancy data. Each report also contains two funding plans (straight line and pooled cash flow) with reliable funding recommendations that will comply with all statutory funding requirements.

Section 1
Executive Summary / Report Specifications
Current component costs & quantity
Balance projections
Budget year projected expenditures
Straight line funding plan recommendations
30-Year pooled cash flow funding plan recommendations
Summary of report process
Identify any statutory funding requirements
Explanation of funding plans and report terminology
Property notes